‘Civilized ‘divorces are extremely rare, nowadays. Many times, modern divorce is accompanied by a series of endless claims, exaggerated demands and law involvements.
The former spouse can claim financial problems and refuse to pay alimony fees or keep it to a minimum amount. On the other hand, the wife, alleging fake needs of children, can claim huge sum of money or large part of property, targeting the economic bleeding of the husband.
Moreover, at so-called ‘bad’ divorces, it is often observed psychological or physical violence, for bullying or preventing a divorce by mutual agreement.
We are able to protect you from future violence, by recording and documenting all incidents of physical or psychological violence that endanger you and disturb children’s soul.
Simultaneously, our office investigates in depth the real financial situation of husband/wife, so that you can produce indisputable evidences in court. In this way, a divorce will not have disastrous effects on your daily life.