Private Investigation Offices Patras

Offices of Private Confidential Research "EREVNA" (old name Detective Agencies) based in Patras are activated in the field of private investigation since 1988. Our offices in Patras are in direct contact with the other offices all around Greece, and other offices of private investigations abroad, as well.


The trustful relationship and excellent communication between the client and the private investigator is for us the A to Z for the success story of each case. You can trust is for every issue that concerns you, from strictly personal and financial, to business security and control of you business human resources.


Each plan responds to your needs, to gather as much information and significant findings as possible. In this way, we are confident that the documented results of our investigation will help to have a clear view about the issue that concerns you.


Visit our office at Thessaloniki. Our private investigators (detectives) will clarify any queries and we will suggest you the best possible solutions for your problem.



Athens:                   (+30) 210 - 32 17 000 - 32 18 888

Kifissia:                  (+30) 210 - 80 18 770

Glifada:                  (+30) 211 - 01 22 534

Piraeus:                 (+30) 210 - 41 11 518

FAX:                       (+30) 210 - 32 15 738

Mobile:                  (+30) 6932 44 44 25


HEAD OFFICE :     St Filellinon 4, Syntagma, 10557 Athens

Call Center:           (+30) 210 - 32 17 000 - 32 18 888



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